
Ales Mav

Here's the site of Ales Mav. This guy was one of the first people I've met when I started my studies at Animation Mentor.
He also the animator who worked on Daphne's new broom, which I've posted here a while ago.

Now he also one the 11 second club for last July competition, and what can I say? the guy rocks!!!

Here's a link to his site (if you wish to see the winning animation just press the link to his animation work).


FJORG 2009 Animation Demo Reel - Animote Control

It is very simple, no special effects or fancy render... but still, the animation is clear, the story and music are simple and it works.


A Short film - Knight Fever

Here's a nice 3d (which looks like 2D as a part of its design) short film which was done by Christopher Minos.

Watch it here


Planning with thumbnails

I can't tell you how much I miss animating, it really makes me fill bad I haven't done anything new for so long.
Yesterday, I've managed to finally sit down before going to bed, and started to sketch (so I'll sleep less, it's for a good cause ;) so I began planning a short body mechanics animation - lifting a heavy object.
I've recorded the video reference several months ago so I used it for the most parts, but then I've decided I want to do a more cartoony kind of animation so I've turned down the computer and sat with only my blank piece of paper and started thinking how it would look like, by doing quick sketching.

Here is what I sketched.


Animation Mentor Showcase Summer 2009

Here is the great and funny AM showcase.
My friend from Israel - Denis Zilber is also featuring in it with a dialogue taken from the movie V for vendetta.


I didn't think to post it, but I then I thought "why not"?
Here's a few quick Illustrations I did for nice guy from Israel (now living in NY) for a project he designed for kids, and I wish him all the best.

Anyway, I've done all of them in Illustrator for a change (usually I make me illustrations using PS).

Right now I'm currently working on updating my own website. I'm afraid to admit I know nothing (absolutely nothing!) about the subject so it doesn't really look good enough, but the moment it would be on, I'll post a link :)