Recently I've been trying to learn new techniques for drawing in a vector methode while using Photoshop. Anyway, this is my first try (the pencil sketch itself was made about a year ago or so but only now I've moved it into coloring). Hope you'll like it!
This is some old work I've done by modeling and sometimes addomg texture to it. I'm aware they are not much, but at least I had fun making them :) After showing it to some of the guys at work, I thought to my self "why the hell not share them with everyone"?, so here they are, hope you'll like them.
Blur studios had developed the trailer of the game Transformers which I think has a unique quality, and it looks amazing (I don't know about the game though - talking only about the trailer here). Also you could find a link to the Art of the movie Transformers (I've seen it and it is very Very recommended you go see it!).
Blur studios had developed the trailer of the game Transformers which I think has a unique quality, and it looks amazing (I don't know about the game though - talking only about the trailer here). Also you could find a link to the Art of the movie Transformers (I've seen it and it is very Very recommended you go see it!).
Ben Proctor - Portfolio:
This is the last week for this class, and we only had to make a revision (took me two days, of tweaking, adjusting and changing stuff through out my entire animation). We also had to make this class Progress Reel. I feel I'll miss Gini, she was tough but I guess that is also one of her attribute, she never went soft on us, thus, pushing us to our limits is the best way to keep moving on and do the best you can!
This week was our last week of polishing our third assignment, and also it's our last Q&A with Gini. True we'll have another one on the next class, but it won't be a regular class, and it will be more for "In Conclusion" stuff and a walk through all we had learned this last semester. Yesterday she gave us the opportunity to watch a few test and blocking poses she did on Ratatouille (it's a great movie, and if you haven't seen it yet - Go see it!!!), and it was amazing (I also had the chance of getting up early about a month ago and watch the live Q&A with the guys from Pixar who worked on the movie). I was lucky enough to have two more free days to work on my polishing because of our holiday and I really hope this shot will (maybe) be a one I won't feel too bad about it, a shot I won't think what could I do better, what could I push more etc. Gini is great and I really think I've learned so much from her, about pushing your poses, Ease In and Ease Out, "watch your spacing" (which I usually forget :) and also very important - Timing. Gini needs to go back to work on Pixar's last film to come out soon "WALL-E" and I though to give you guys to video samples to see it, I already know I'll see it as it will be out on the screens :)
This week was all about taking what we've learned and using it on our animation as we go into spline. That means advanced arcs, anticipation, S&S overlapping etc. I've spent a lot of hours just to fix problems I encountered when I moved from stepped into spline ( a lot of cleaning and tweaking). It ain't perfect, but it's a start.