
Frame by Frame Animation Clips

Frame by Frame

I've recently found this page today, which let's us watch many animated clips (many of them are disney's classics) with a frame by frame snapshots.

Some of the clips shows well the animation principles and it's very pleasing to watch...

Frame By Frame


Anonymous said...

In most 3D computer animation systems, an animator creates a simplified representation of a character's anatomy, analogous to a skeleton or stick figure. The position of each segment of the skeletal model is defined by animation variables, or Avars.

Alex Frisch

Connie Jordan-Carmichael said...

Computer animation is the process used for generating animated images by using computer graphics. The more general term computer-generated imagery encompasses both static scenes and dynamic images, while computer animation only refers to moving images.

Connie Jordan-Carmichael | Connie Jordan-Carmichael USA