
New giraffs - coming along nicely

Since I really REALLY didn't like the giraffs in the older version, today I set down and started to work on the new updated generation.
I think they look much more interesting and good looking (It's ok - I'm already married ;)

Here are the new pencil sketches, and tomorrow - I'll go back and add them in...


Nate Lane said...

Ha I agree with your wife, I really liked the older generation, although the new ones are pretty sweet as well. I think that the girrafe that's looking at the viewer has a wee bit of a scowl in the eye tho, I think it's just the inner brow's straight line that makes it look like this. Can't wait to see it finished!

Ziv Ariely said...

Hey Nate, no worries ;)
The eyes are never the same in the colored version.

I'll keep you posted once it's done!
